Mimmo Miccolis, born in Italy, is a neoclassical and contemporary freelance choreographer and teacher and choreographer mainly at The Washington Ballet. Nominated “Italian excellence in dance” at the Gala 2019 of the Italian Cultural Society of Washington (ICS), Miccolis was the winner of the “Outstanding Choreographer Award” at the Youth American Grand Prix (YAGP) Finals 2015 in New York City, at the Indianapolis International Ballet Competition 2017, at the Washington DC Grand Prix 2021 and 2022 and at the YAGP Pittsburgh Semifinals 2016. In 2011, he was also a recipient of the BBC Performing Arts Fund in London, UK. In the last years several of his choreographic creations received awards in dance competitions across Europe and the US.
Mimmo had the honor of being invited as a speaker at the TEDx conference in 2022 to showcase the power of dance as a means of exercising desires and oneself, despite the prejudices that are linked to this activity.
Mimmo has served as a Judge and Master Teacher for the American Dance Competition (ADC-IBC) for the last five years and created two original works for selected competitors to perform at the Awards Gala of Stars in 2019 and 2022.
Miccolis graduated from the Italian dance academies “Fondazione Niccolò Piccinni” (Bari) and “Balletto di Toscana” (Florence). As a dancer he performed in theaters and companies across Europe, the Middle-East and the United States. Since the start of his professional career, his work has been characterized as a blend of powerful versatility and theatrical range.
Most of Mimmo’s choreographic work focuses on social issues and have been performed in prestigious venues such as The Washington Ballet, Milwaukee Ballet, The World Bank Headquarters, the TEDx Conference, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC, the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Sustainable Brands Conference in Detroit, the European Forum and the House of the European Union in Austria, the European Commission Joint Research Center in Italy and the Bernie Grand Arts Center, The Camden Fringe Festival and LCP Production in London(UK).
Selected credits include: (A)MORI (Milwaukee Ballet II), Dancing With The Future (commissioned by IIASA and Harvard University), FIRSTS, MAGNIFICA, MAMMAMIA and ICONS (commissioned by the Italian Institute of Culture and The Embassy of Italy), END (commissioned by the World Bank), WHO WHEN WHY (commissioned by Julie Kent for The Washington Ballet), AETERNA and WHITE (The Washington Ballet Studio Company), Contextual Matters and IN ALL (commissioned by the Economist Jeffrey Sachs), InDilemma, COURAGE and ENLIGHTENMENT 2.0 (commissioned by the IIASA and the European Commission), CRISIS, DEEP BLUE, CONFLITTI, UNDERWATER, DID I? and HIGH TIDE (The Washington Ballet Trainee Program), RIGHTS(?) (Bernie Grand Arts Center in London(UK) and LUST LOST LAST (LCP Dance Theatre). Miccolis choreographed also the rebranding music video for the Inter American Development Bank(IDB).
In 2020 a short documentary “MICCOLIS” dedicated to him was selected in film festivals in Lisbon, Austin, Phoenix and Washington DC.

Nato in Italia, Mimmo Miccolis è un coreografo freelance e insegnante di danza neoclassica/contemporanea al The Washington Ballet. Nominato “Eccellenza italiana nella danza” al Gala 2019 della Italian Cultural Society of Washington (ICS), Mimmo è stato l’unico italiano ad aggiudicarsi il premio come “Outstanding Choreographer Award” alle finali del Youth American Grand Prix (YAGP) 2015 in New York City, all’Indianapolis International Ballet Competition 2017, e al DC Grand Prix 2021. Nel 2011 è stato anche vincitore del BBC Performing Arts Fund a Londra. Negli ultimi 10 anni molte delle sue creazioni coreografiche hanno ricevuto premi in concorsi di danza in Europa e negli Stati Uniti.
Mimmo ha avuto l’onore di essere stato invitato come speaker al TEDx conference nel 2022 portando sul palco la potenza della danza come espressione dei propri desideri e di se stessi, nonostante i pregiudizi spesso associati a questa pratica e la trasmette a tutti coloro che vogliono intraprendere questo mestiere.
Mimmo è giudice e insegnante stabile all’American Dance Competition (ADC-IBC) negli ultimi cinque anni e ha anche coreografato due nuovi lavori su danzatori selezionati per l’Awards Gala of Stars nel 2019 e nel 2022.
La maggior parte del lavoro coreografico di Miccolis tratta temi sociali e, oltre che in teatri, e’ stato presentato in sedi internazionali come la World Bank, l’Inter-American Development Bank, lo Smithsonian American Art Museum, l’Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, l’ International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, l’European Forum Alpbach, l’European Commission Joint Research Center, La Cody Gallery in Virginia. Tra i lavori di Miccolis con maggiore impatto sociale si ricorda Contextual Matters presentato al Carnegie Hall di New York City in occasione del Concert for a Sustainable Planet alla vigilia della Settantaduesima Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite.
Formatosi alle Accademie di danza italiane “Fondazione Niccolò Piccinni” (Bari) e “Balletto di Toscana” (Firenze), da danzatore Miccolis si è esibito in teatri e compagnie in Europa, Medio Oriente e Stati Uniti.
Nel 2020 uno short documentary “MICCOLIS” a lui dedicato è stato selezionato in festivals del cinema a Lisbona, Austin, Phoenix e a Washington DC.